Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Question # 9

What is the least possible distance between a point on the circle x^2 + y^2 = 1 and a point on the line y = 3/4*x - 3?
A) 1.4
B) sqrt (2)
C) 1.7
D) sqrt (3)
E) 2.0


SivaG said...

the equation of the circle shows that the center is (0,0) and radius 1.
Shortest distance from any point on circle will be (shortest distance from origin - radius)
since the shortest distance is perpendicular line form a point, we can represent the equation of that line as y = -4/3x
Solving the two equations, we can find point on the line as (-48/25, 36/25)
Distance from (0,0) to this point is sqrt((48/25)^2 + (36/25)^2) = 2.4
Hence distance from point on the circle is 2.4 -1 = 1.4

Ans: Option A

jsegal said...

how the heck would I solve sqrt((48/25)^2 + (36/25)^2) without a calculator???

Gaurav & Kunal said...

sivag one more point for you dude.